
Home * Engines * Machiavelli

[ Il Principe, 1532 [1] Machiavelli,

a chess program developed in 1947-1948 by Donald Michie and Shaun Wylie which was a rival “paper machine” of Alan Turing’s and David Champernowne’s Turochamp. Turing began programming both at University of Manchester but never completed them and they never played each other [2].

In their 1961 article Machines that play games [3], John Maynard Smith and Donald Michie elaborate the evaluation features of their one-ply analyzers SOMA and Machiavelli, to consider material, center and neighboring king square control, pieces en-prise, swap-off values and other tactical and strategical considerations. Later, John Maynard Smith built a SOMA-Machiavelli hybrid named SOMAC (SOMA with features taken from the Machiavelli) [4]. This machine, when allowed a lookahead of two, has a standard of play equal to that of a mediocre human player … [5] [6] .


Discourses on Livy from Wikipedia The Art of War (Machiavelli) from Wikipedia The Prince from Wikipedia


  1. The Prince from Wikipedia
  2. Chronology of Computing compiled by David Singmaster
  3. John Maynard Smith, Donald Michie (1961). Machines that play games. New Scientist, 12, 367-9. google books
  4. Donald Michie (1966). Game Playing and Game Learning Automata. Advances in Programming and Non-Numerical Computation, Leslie Fox (ed.), pp 183-200. Oxford, Pergamon. » Includes Appendix: Rules of SOMAC by John Maynard Smith
  5. Leslie Fox (1966). Advances in programming and non-numerical computation. Pergamon
  6. Donald Michie (1974). On Machine Intelligence. Edinburgh: University Press, ISBN 10: 085224262X, ISBN 13: 9780852242629,,,
  7. see Swap-off by Helmut Richter

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