
Home * Hardware * M-2

M-2 was a Soviet digital computer developed in the Laboratory of Electrical Systems in the Institute of Energy of the USSR Academy of Science, designed by Isaak Semenovich Bruk. The M-2 development team, at different stages, of 7 to 10 engineers was lead by Mikhail Alexanderovich Kartsev.

ITEP Chess Program

According to the description of the Russian Virtual Computer Museum, the ITEP Chess Program was developed for the M-2 [2], which seems wrong since all primary sources by Georgy Adelson-Velsky, Vladimir Arlazarov, et al. mention the Chess Program was written for the M-20 [3]:

We give a description of the principles used in organizing and processing information in the chess programs devised by the authors during the years 1961-6 for the electronic computer M-20. 

See also


  1. The Fast Universal Digital Computer M-2 from the Russian Virtual Computer Museum
  2. The Fast Universal Digital Computer M-2 from the Russian Virtual Computer Museum
  3. Georgy Adelson-Velsky, Vladimir Arlazarov, Alexander Bitman, Alexander Zhivotovsky, Anatoly Uskov (1970). Programming a Computer to Play Chess. Russian Mathematical Surveys, Vol. 25, pp. 221-262

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