Luca Lissandrello

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Luca Lissandrello [1] Luca Lissandrello,

an Italian chess player [2], graduated surveyor, self-employed systems and programming consultant, and as avocational chess programmer author of the chess engine Neurone, written in Visual Basic .NET [3]. He is active member of the G 6 or GSei, the Gruppo Scacchi e Informatica or the Italian Computer Chess Association, editor of their web sites, as well as tournament director.

Forum Posts

2013 …

2015 …


  1. Luca Lissandrello during IGT 2013, International Gsei Tournament 2013
  2. Lissandrello, Luca FIDE Chess Profile
  3. Engine update: Neurone I by Alex Brunetti, CCC, March 04, 2010
  4. International Gsei Tournament 2013

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