LaskerReichhelm Position

Home * Engine Testing * Test-Positions * Lasker-Reichhelm Position

[ 8/k7/3p4/p2P1p2/P2P1P2/8/8/K7 w - - [1] The Lasker-Reichhelm Position,

composed by World Champion Emanuel Lasker and Gustavus Charles Reichhelm [2] in 1901, is most famous to solve with the method of corresponding squares. It is also a test-position for the efficiency of search tables, most notably the transposition table, where most of today’s programs find the only winning move Kb1 with an appropriate (winning) score in less than one second. However, it is not recommended to tune replacement schemes purely based on this position.

The Lasker-Reichhelm position, elaborated in 1932 by Vitaly Halberstadt and Marcel Duchamp in L’opposition et les cases conjuguées sont réconciliées (Opposition and Sister Squares are Reconciled) introducing corresponding squares [3] , was further mentioned 1941 in Reuben Fine’s Basic Chess Endings and is therefore well known as Fine #70 [4] .

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  1. Lasker-Reichhelm Position, as described in 1932 treatise L’opposition et cases conjuguées sont réconciliées (Opposition and Sister Squares are Reconciled) by Vitaly Halberstadt and Marcel Duchamp, introducing Corresponding Squares
  2. Gustavus Charles Reichhelm from Chess Archaeology
  3. Vitaly Halberstadt, Marcel Duchamp (1932). L’opposition et les cases conjuguées sont réconciliées. Paris-Brussels 1932, German Edition 2001 Opposition und Schwesterfelder, ISBN 3-932170-35-0
  4. Reuben Fine (1941). Basic Chess Endings

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