Lars Karlsson

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Lars Karlsson [1] Lars Karlsson,

a Swedish electrical engineer, computer scientist and technologist, in 1970 founder of Dataindustrier AB (DIAB) [2]. They had the card computer Data Board 4680 as first product, incorporating an Intel 4004, a Motorola 6800 and an Intel 8080, later eventually a Zilog Z80 [3] [4], followed by the ABC 80 home computer. In 1983, DIAB began to build Unix servers that were sold both under their own name and as OEM products by Cromemco / Dynatech. The company was subsequently sold to Bull after a time with Ericsson and Televerket as owner, while Karlsson moved to DIAB’s subsidiary in the US and devoted himself to developing compilers, and stayed.there in Los Altos, California, in northern Silicon Valley [5].


from an Lars Karlsson interview in MikroDatorn, February 1981 [7]
What have you earned from your chess programs?

Attention, maybe. The chess programs are a pure hobby business. It is interesting to do them because it requires that you know something about chess and know something about computers. Characteristic of my programs is that they imply a greater knowledge of computers than of chess. This is probably why I am now in the position that I have achieved a program that I can no longer beat by myself.


  1. The man behind ABC 80, MikroDatorn, February 1981, from Vem är den där Karlsson? by Pär Rittsel,, November 21, 2010 (Swedish)
  2. Historien om DIAB - Dataindustrier AB (Swedish)
  3. Data Board 4680
  4. DataBoard.4680.sida.1.JPG from
  5. Legenden bakom ABC 80 by Pär Rittsel,, September 10, 2010 (Swedish)
  6. Softwarehaus mbp arrangierte Match gegen den Computer:Schach-Mikro für Boris Spasskij kein Problem, April 24, 1981, Computerwoche 17/1981 (German)
  7. Vem är den där Karlsson? by Pär Rittsel,, November 21, 2010 (Swedish) Interview with Lars Karlsson, MikroDatorn, January 1981, Google Translate

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