La Dame Blanche

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[ Alice and the White Queen [1] La Dame Blanche,

a WinBoard compliant chess engine by Marc-Philippe Huget, written in C++ [2]. La Dame Blanche played two French Computer Chess Championships, the FCCC 1997 and FCCC 1998, and was first released in January 1999 [3]. La Dame Blanche applies Alpha-Beta with killer heuristic, and uses rotated bitboards to determine sliding piece attacks.

Marc-Philippe dedicated his program to Alan Turing and Mikhail Botvinnik, who inspired him to write a chess program, and further used GNU Chess and EXchess for his first ideas [4]. Along with La Dame Blanche, Marc-Philippe realized a Book Builder as open source program, to convert a PGN file into an opening book [5].

Chess Engine





Opéra Comique


  1. Illustration for the fifth chapter of Lewis Carroll’s Through The Looking Glass (1865) by John Tenniel
  2. Re: Big winboard Tournament at level 40/40 (504 games !!) by Marc-Philippe Huget, CCC, December 18, 1998
  3. La Dame Blanche 2.0b released by Marc-Philippe Huget, CCC, January 08, 1999
  4. La Dame Blanche hosted by Thomas Mayer
  5. Web site updated and new program Book Builder by Marc-Philippe Huget, CCC, February 24, 1999

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