KuoYuan Kao

Home * People * Kuo-Yuan Kao

Kuo-Yuan Kao [1] Kuo-Yuan Kao,

a Taiwanese mathematician, computer scientist, and professor at Information Management Department, National Penghu University of Science and Technology, Penghu. He holds a Ph.D. on combinatorial game theory in 1997 [2] from University of North Carolina at Charlotte under supervision of Ken Chen [3]. Kuo-Yuan Kao is author of the early Go program Stone, which participated at the 1st Computer Olympiad, Go, London 1989.

1992 …

2000 …

2010 …

2015 …


  1. Forum of Computer Games 2010
  2. Kuo-Yuan Kao (1997). Sums of hot and tepid combinatorial games. Ph.D. thesis, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  3. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Kuo-Yuan Kao
  4. dblp: Kuo-Yuan Kao

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