Kunihito Hoki

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Kunihito Hoki [1] Kunihito Hoki,

a Japanese chemist, computer scientist, and since 2010 Assistant Professor at the University of Electro-Communications. Kunihito Hoti received a D.Sc. in Chemistry from Tohoku University, and has been a research fellow at the University of Toronto as well as Tohoku University, where he then became Assistant Professor. As Shogi programmer, he is author of the strong Shogi program Bonanza, famous for its supervised move adaption tuning method called Minimax Tree Optimization (MMTO), also dubbed the Bonanza-Method. Kunihito Hoki further researched and published on Monte-Carlo Tree Search.

2005 …

2010 …

2015 …


  1. 保木 邦仁 / Kunihito Hoki – TEDxKids@Chiyoda 2012
  2. dblp: Kunihito Hoki
  3. Dovetailing (computer science) from Wikipedia
  4. MMTO for evaluation learning by Jon Dart, CCC, January 25, 2015

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