Killer Heuristic

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[ Jack the Ripper [1] Killer Heuristic,

a dynamic, path-dependent move ordering technique. It considers moves that caused a beta-cutoff in a sibling node as killer moves and orders them high on the list. When a node fails high, a quiet move that caused a cutoff is stored in a table indexed by ply, typically containing two or three moves per ply. The replacement scheme ought to ensure that all the available slots contain different moves.

How does it work?

Killer moves work on the supposition that most of the moves do not change the situation on the board too much. For example if a program decides that expelling a black bishop from b4 by a move a2-a3 is good, then it is likely to work whatever Black played on the previous move: …Bd7, …Be6, …h6 etc. After the first fail-high caused by a2-a3 this move is remembered as a killer move. So when Black backtracks …Bd7 and tries …Be6, move a2-a3, normally having rather low priority, waits to be tried as one of the first in a new, but not-too-different position. Of course, most of the cutoffs come from the first killer slot. But occasionally opponent does something important, like attacking a queen. Program reacts, and has a good luck to fail high again, getting a new killer move… useful only as an evasion. That’s where the second slot comes in handy. It prevents a program from forgetting the right plan because of occasional noise caused by switching to more urgent moves.

See also


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  1. One of a series of images from the Illustrated London News for October 13, 1888 carrying the overall caption, “With the Vigilance Committee in the East End”. This specific image is entitled “A Suspicious Character”, Jack the Ripper from Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons
  2. Jos Uiterwijk (1992). The Countermove Heuristic. ICCA Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 8, The killer heuristic
  3. Brian Auger-und-The-Trinity-und-Julie-Driscoll The-Mod-years

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