Kerwin Medina

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Kerwin Medina, WCCC 2010 [1] Kerwin F. Medina,

an American computer scientist, computer chess programmer, and principal software engineer at Microsoft [2]. In 1996, he contributed the LZHLIB [3] a small C library to compress and uncompress using the LZH algorithm, which is a direct derivative of the source code of Haruhiko Okumura’s ar-archiver [4]. In 2009, Kerwin Medina assumed the development of Thinker by Lance Perkins [5] [6] , and is mentioned as lonesome author of Thinker on the ICGA tournament site [7] [8].


  1. Foto-impressie WCCC/WCSC Kanazawa, Japan by Jan Krabbenbos from the CSVN site
  2. Kerwin Medina | LinkedIn
  3. LZH.H … Kerwin F. Medina (1996)
  4. History of Data Compression in Japan
  5. Re: Thinker output by Lance Perkins, CCC, March 23, 2009
  6. Re: Best tactical engine? by Lance Perkins, CCC, April 25, 2009
  7. Thinker’s ICGA Tournaments
  8. Complaints against the Chess programs LOOP and THINKER by Harvey Williamson, CCC, May 14, 2014

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