Keith H. Randall

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Keith H. Randall [1] Keith H. Randall,

an American computer scientist, former Ph.D. student of the Supercomputing Technologies Group, at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, where he wrote his Ph.D. Thesis about Efficient Multithreaded Computing within the Cilk project [2], and was co-author of MIT’s first Cilk-Chess program, Star Socrates [3]. Randall was co-author of the paper on using De Bruijn sequences for bitscan-purposes [4].

After some years as research scientist at Compaq’s System Research Center in Palo Alto, Keith H. Randall is now software engineer at Google Inc. in Mountain View, California, USA.

1995 …

2000 …


  1. Keith H. Randall from MIT
  2. The Cilk Project
  3. 8th World Computer Chess Championship pdf Courtesy of Monroe Newborn from The Computer History Museum
  4. Re: “Using de Bruijn Sequences to Index a 1 in a Computer Word” by Tim Mann, CCC, February 13, 2002
  5. SuperTech Paper Listing
  6. dblp: Keith H. Randall

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