Katsuki Ohto

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Katsuki Ohto [1] Katsuki Ohto, a Japanese computer scientist affiliated with the University of Tokyo [2]. As computer game and AI researcher and programmer, he is involved in the development of many game playing programs in the domains of Go, Block Go, Shogi, Dots and Boxes, Trax, Puyo Puyo and Curling simulation.

Selected Publications

GitHub - YuriCat/AyumuCurling: Curling Program Ayumu GitHub - YuriCat/JulieGo: Go Program


  1. Clipped from Events 2017: Day 6 - Photo 13 of 13 by Jan Krabbenbos
  2. Katsuki Ohto LinkedIn
  3. computer-go.info - Details of Program: Julie
  4. GitHub - YuriCat/apery: a USI Shogi engine

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