Karsten MC3BCller

Home * People * Karsten Müller

[ Karsten Müller [1] Karsten Müller,

a German mathematician, Ph.D. in 2002 from University of Hamburg, chess grandmaster and authority in chess endgames. As chess columnist and writer, he is affiliated with ChessCafe and ChessBase, and further authored various articles in the ICGA Journal. His interests apart from chess include mathematical games [2].

Selected Publications

[4] [5]

2000 …

2010 …

ChessBase Articles


  1. Karsten Müller at the 6th German companies team chess championship, October 05, 2006, Berlin, Photo by Frank Hoppe, Karsten Müller from Wikipedia
  2. Karsten Müller from Wikipedia
  3. Photo by Ingo Althöfer, Workshop Jena 2008: Analysis, Design, and Programming of Games
  4. Müller, Karsten - Books, Schachversand Niggemann
  5. dblp: Karsten Müller 0006
  6. World Chess Championship 2018 from Wikipedia

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