Kai von Luck

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Kai von Luck [1] Kai von Luck,

a German computer scientist and full professor with Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Kai von Luck defended his Ph.D. in 1985 on Chess Knowledge Representation at the University of Hamburg [2]. At the Advances in Computer Chess 4 conference 1984, Kai von Luck and his fellow Bernd Owsnicki discussed a method of plan construction in computer chess with results from its application in a program called N.N. [3]. They illustrate three categories of possible errors, each with its own cause and each with a different level of solvability [4].

1980 …

2000 …


  1. Prof. Dr. Kai von Luck: HAW Hamburg
  2. Alexander Reinefeld (1985). Kai von Luck: Aspekte wissensgestützter Planung. Bernd Owsnicki: Repräsentation von positionellem Schachwissen mit Techniken der künstlichen Intelligenz. ICCA Journal, Vol. 8, No. 4
  3. Jaap van Oosterwijk Bruyn (1984). The Fourth Conference on Advances in Computer Chess. ICCA Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2
  4. Dap Hartmann (1987). Book review: Advances in Computer Chess 4. ACM SIGART Bulletin, No. 100
  5. Kai von Luck: List of Publications
  6. ICGA Reference Database
  7. dblp: Kai von Luck

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