
Home * Engines * Jumbo

Jumbo on rails [1] Jumbo, (Jumbo Twins)

a family Chess Engine Communication Protocol aka WinBoard compliant chess engines by Sven Schüle, first released in September 2016 as 32-bit binary running under Windows. Based on a mailbox board representation, Jumbo applies PVS with transposition table, recursive null move, and IID along with a minimalistic evaluation considering material, PST, mobility, passed pawns, and weak pawns [2].

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  1. Jumbo on rails (actually it is Tuffi on skates), Graffiti by Marko Leckzut alias ZS at Clausenbrücke, former railway Nordbahntrasse, today spectacular bikeway, Wuppertal, Germany, Photo by Gerd Isenberg, September 23, 2016, see also Termine Kunst & Kultur - Nordbahntrasse (German), Clausenbrücke nicht mehr hässlich | Wuppertalbewegung, Mai 09, 2014 (German)
  2. The Jumbo Twins (WinBoard Chess Engine Family)
  3. Advertisement for Sterling’s baking powder with Jumbo, the Elephant, 19th century, in Jan Bondeson (2008). Animal Freaks. Paperback, Category:Jumbo - Wikimedia Commons
  4. Jumbo 0.5.3 - Birth of the Jumbo Twins by Sven Schüle, CCC, September 25, 2017

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