Julio CC3A9sar HernC3A1ndezCastro

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Julio Hernández-Castro [1] Julio César Hernández-Castro,

a Spanish computer scientist, and lecturer at School of Computing, University of Kent, previously affiliated with Charles III University of Madrid and IRISA/ INRIA in Rennes. His research interests are focused in cryptography, computer forensics, steganography, steganalysis, evolutionary computation, CAPTCHAs, data loss prevention, RFID security, the study of NP-hard and above problems, and quantum information processing. Julio César Hernández-Castro is chess player [2], and also likes the game of Go. Along with co-author David J. Barnes, he researched on engine analysis for cheating detection in chess [3],

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Julio Hernandez-Castro - School of Computing - University of Kent
  2. Hernandez Castro, Julio Cesar FIDE Chess Profile
  3. David J. Barnes, Julio Hernández-Castro (2015). On the limits of engine analysis for cheating detection in chess. Computers & Security, Vol. 48
  4. dblp: Julio César Hernández Castro

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