Julien Marcel

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Julien Marcel,

a French jurist, professor of law, and avocational computer chess programmer. He made first chess programming experiences in the early 90s, when he wrote a little chess program in Basic for the Commodore Amiga 500, applying the Minimax principle none recursively. Years later, he learned about Alpha-Beta from Paul Verhelst’s chess programming pages, and in summer 2007 started to work on his UCI compatible engine Prédateur, written in Pascal using the Lazarus IDE along with its Free Pascal compiler [1]. Julien is active poster in Computer Chess Forums and served as moderator in CCC [2].


  1. Marcel Julien from blitzchess.fr (French)
  2. Thank you! by Julien Marcel, CCC, August 08, 2012
  3. David E. Welsh, Boris Baczynskyj (1985). Computer Chess II. William C Brown Publications, ISBN-13: 978-0697099112
  4. Mac Chess Engines Repository hosted by Julien Marcel

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