Jost Triller

Home * People * Jost Triller

Jost Triller,

a German software developer and computer chess programmer, based in Berlin. He is author of various open source chess engines available at GitHub and GitLab. His engine Hactar was written in Rust [1], squared-chess [2] and Googleplex Starthinker in C++ [3], and the most recent Nalwald written in the Nim programming language [4].

2017 …

2020 …


  1. GitHub - tsoj/hactar: hactar is a simple chessengine written in rust
  2. Tsoj Tsoj / squared-chess · GitLab
  3. Tsoj Tsoj / Googleplex_Starthinker · GitLab
  4. Tsoj Tsoj / Nalwald · GitLab

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