JosC3A9 AntC3B4nio Fabiano Mendes

Home * People * José Antônio Fabiano Mendes

José Antônio Fabiano Mendes,

a Brazilian mathematician and historian of mathematics with interests in computer science, chess and computer chess. He contributed to Tim Krabbé’s chess records [1], Edward Winter’s Chess Seesaw [2], and is mentioned on various sites related to puzzles [3] and mathematics. José was frequent poster in CCC in the early 2000s with focus on test-positions and studies.



2002 …


  1. Tim Krabbé’s Chess records
  2. The Chess Seesaw by Edward Winter
  3. The 70*70 Square Puzzle by Thomas Wolf » Backtracking
  4. Mikhail Botvinnik (1993). Three Positions. ICCA Journal, Vol. 16, No. 2
  5. Maelzel’s Chess Player from Wikipedia
  6. Techmate by Garry Kasparov, February 22, 1999,
  7. Strategic Intensity - A Conversation with World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov by Diane L. Coutu, Harvard Business Review, April 2005

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