Jos Vermaseren

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Jos Vermaseren [1] Jos A. M. Vermaseren,

a Dutch theorecial physicist and researcher at the theory group of Nikhef at Amsterdam Science Park. His research interests include phenomenology of particles, perturbative calculations and computer algebra, and he is original author of the open source [2] symbolic manipulation system FORM [3]. He holds a 4th dan in Go, has a small art collection and a far going fascination for Japanese food and drinks.

Selected Publications


1990 …

  • Jos Vermaseren (1991). Symbolic manipulation with FORM. A note on computing the regular solutions of linear differential systems

2000 …

2010 …

2015 …


  1. Nikhef researcher Jos Vermaseren receives prestigious ERC Advanced Grant, December 17, 2012
  2. World’s most powerful symbolic manipulation computer program FORM is now available as open source, Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter, December 01, 2010
  3. The FORM home site
  4. The HEPGAME project
  5. HEPGAME | Nikhef/Leiden University
  6. Nikhef researcher Jos Vermaseren receives prestigious ERC Advanced Grant, December 17, 2012
  7. dblp: Jos Vermaseren

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