Jonathan Kreuzer

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Jonathan Kreuzer [1] Jonathan Kreuzer,

an American computer scientist and games programmer with focus on adventure games, currently senior engineer at thatgamecompany. Along with Josh Hess, Jonathan Kreuzer maintains the 3DKingdoms site offering games, as well as a Checkers Bitboards tutorial [2]. Jonathan Kreuzer is author of the chess programs Sam [3], and Slow Chess, the latter supporting the WinBoard and UCI protocols, as well featuring an own GUI [4], the Checkers program Gui Checkers [5], and the Othello program Pointy Stone 3 [6].

2000 …

2020 …

Re: First success with neural nets by Jonathan Kreuzer, CCC, November 11, 2020 » Checkers


  1. About 3DKingdoms
  2. Checker Bitboards Tutorial
  3. Sam retouched for CuteChess by Roland Chastain, CCC, October 19, 2020
  4. Slow Chess Blitz, a free chess program
  5. Gui Checkers 1.05
  6. Pointy Stone Othello

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