John Hamlen

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John Hamlen [1] John Hamlen,

A long time financial industry veteran, and founder of The Financial Industry Network. He holds a B.Sc. degree in computer and microprocessor systems from University of Essex in 1988, and a Masters degree in computer science from Queen Mary, University of London in 1989 [2]. As computer chess and games programmer, John is author of the computer chess program Woodpusher and the Go playing program DumbGo.

Selected Publications



  1. John Hamlen’s Page - OpenCoffee Club
  2. John Hamlen from LinkedIn
  3. Image from no longer available site WCCC 2004 - Pictures, Bar-Ilan University
  4. Ramat-Gan 2004 - Chess - Round 1 - Game 5 (ICGA Tournaments)
  5. ICGA Reference Database
  6. Seven Year Itch (disambiguation) from Wikipedia

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