Joe Culberson

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Joe Culberson [1] Joseph C. (Joe) Culberson,

a Canadian computer scientist, and professor at the Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta. His research interests tends to be a mixture of theoretical analysis and experimental simulation of algorithms and data structures. It includes binary search trees [2], graph coloring, genetic algorithms [3], and research on various combinatorical and abstract strategy games, such as Sokoban and Checkers. In winter 1988, Joe Culberson and Duane Szafron asked Jonathan Schaeffer the innocent question “Jonathan, what ever happened to computer checkers?” [4], yielding in the development of Chinook, and solving Checkers [5]. He developed the first version of the Chinook endgame database code [6] .

1984 …

1990 …

2000 …


  1. Authors - Chinook
  2. Joseph Culberson’s Binary Search Tree Research
  3. Joseph Culberson Research Interests
  4. Jonathan Schaeffer (1997, 2009). One Jump Ahead. 1. This Was Going to Be Easy, pp. 5
  5. Chinook - Solving Checkers
  6. Authors - Chinook
  7. Joseph Culberson’s Publications List
  8. dblp: Joseph C. Culberson
  9. Hamiltonian path problem from Wikipedia
  10. No free lunch in search and optimization | Wikipedia
  11. NK model from Wikipedia
  12. Constraint satisfaction problem from Wikipedia

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