Jeroen Donkers

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Jeroen Donkers [1] Jeroen Donkers,

a Dutch computer games researcher, AI-scientist and assistant professor at the Education Development and Research, FHML, Maastricht University. His research interests include computer games, Opponent Model Search, and more recently e-learning and in particular the application of artificial intelligence in e-learning. Beside the development of a Java Games Research Library, including games of Chess, Lines of Action, Kalah, Domineering, Connect Four, and Dakon, Jeroen Donkers is author of the Bao playing program, unfortunately no longer available. Along with Geoffrey Irving and Jos Uiterwijk, he was further involved in solving Kalah [2].

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  1. H.H.L.M. Donkers - Maastricht University
  2. Geoffrey Irving, Jeroen Donkers, Jos Uiterwijk (2000). Solving Kalah. 5th Computer Olympiad Workshop
  3. dblp: H. H. L. M. Donkers
  4. John Romein, Henri Bal (2002). Awari is Solved. ICGA Journal, Vol. 25, No. 3

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