Jeroen Carolus

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Jeroen Carolus [1] Jeroen W.T. Carolus,

a Dutch computer scientist and software developer. In 2006, he defended his Master’s thesis at University of Amsterdam on a variation of Futility Pruning dubbed Sibling Prediction Pruning under the title Alpha-Beta with Sibling Prediction Pruning in Chess under supervision of Paul Klint [2].

Chess Software

For his masters thesis, a chess engine was created in Java with the 64 bits bitboard approach. The idea was to create the source for educational purposes, since a chess application contains a lot of software building challenges such as a nice GUI and optimized computation. This project, unfortunately and practically, could not be fitted into a master’s thesis. It has been ported to C++ and communicates to the GUI via the JNI. The forward pruning search optimization was used for research. Several of his Android applications are using this chess engine, now dubbed Android-Chess.


  1. jcarolus (Jeroen Carolus) · GitHub
  2. Jeroen Carolus (2006). Alpha-Beta with Sibling Prediction Pruning in Chess. Master’s thesis, pdf

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