Jens BC3A6k Nielsen

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Jens Bæk Nielsen [1] Jens Bæk Nielsen,

a Danish songwriter, chess player, chess- and computer chess writer, and IT system administrator. In 1989, along with Torben Osted [2], Jens Bæk Nielsen invented the chess variant with incomplete information similar to KriegSpiel or Chinese Dark Chess, dubbed Dark Chess [3] As avocational computer chess programmer, Jens Bæk Nielsen is author of the chess program Dabbaba, which was written from 1996 to 1998 [4], in 2008 first released compliant to the Chess Engine Communication Protocol [5] [6], and the helpmate problem solving program Brutalis [7].

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2020 …


  1. Jens Bæk Nielsen - Musik og Skak
  2. Torben Osted - Chess Variant Pages
  3. Darkness Chess by Jens Bæk Nielsen
  4. Dabbaba by Jens Bæk Nielsen
  5. Dabbaba 0.98 with Winboard support available by Jim Ablett, CCC, May 08, 2008
  6. Dabbaba 6.50 has been released by Graham Banks, CCC, August 15, 2012
  7. Brutalis

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