JeanYves Audibert

Home * People * Jean-Yves Audibert

Jean-Yves Audibert [1] Jean-Yves Audibert,

a French statistician, computer scientist, and lecturer at École Normale Supérieure de Cachan and École nationale des ponts et chaussées [2]. His research topics include machine learning, specially Probably approximately correct (PAC) learning, Multi-armed bandits, Non-parametric statistics, Sequential prediction [3] with limited feedback and Computer vision. Jean-Yves Audibert is contributor to the Go playing program Mogo, using Monte-Carlo Tree Search which uses patterns in the simulations and improvements in UCT [4].

2004 …

2010 …


  1. Jean-Yves Audibert - Homepage
  2. Jean-Yves Audibert - Teaching
  3. Sequential Prediction from RoboWiki
  4. MoGo: a software for the Game of Go
  5. Jean-Yves Audibert - Publications
  6. dblp: Jean-Yves Audibert

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