JC3A9rC3A9mie Mary

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Jérémie Mary [1] Jérémie Mary,

a French computer scientist and assistant professor ( Maître de Conférences) in the SequeL team at the University of Lille, and member of the SequeL [2] team at the INRIA project-team. His research activities are related on data mining of sequential data, machine learning, in particular reinforcement learning, dynamic programming, game theory, and Poker. He achieved his Ph.D. at the University Paris XI - Orsay in the Learning and Optimisation Group (A&O) team under under the direction of Michèle Sebag and Antoine Cornuéjols.

[3] [4]


  1. Jérémie Mary Research Homepage
  2. SequeL – This is SequeL Inria team-project website
  3. Jeremie’s Foundry - Jeremie Mary Research Homepage - Publications
  4. dblp: Jérémie Mary

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