JanJaap van Horssen

Home * People * Jan-Jaap van Horssen

Jan-Jaap van Horssen [1] Jan-Jaap van Horssen,

a Dutch computer scientist and as computer Draughts programmer, author of the Draughts program Maximus, Gold medal winner of the 16th Computer Olympiad 2011 [2], and Bronze medal winner at the 19th Computer Olympiad 2016 [3]. In April 2012, Maximus played a six game match versus international Draughts grandmaster Alexander Schwarzman, where Schwarzman won game two and all other five games were draws [4]. In his 2019 ICGAJ article Jan-Jaap van Horssen elaborates on how to obtain the best move and principal variation in MTD(f) by walking the TT, as applied in his Draughts program [5].

Selected Publications



Draughts Research MTD(f) Experiments


  1. Jan-Jaap van Horssen - LinkedIn
  2. Computer Olympiad Tilburg Computers 2011
  3. e-dama :: Maximus (Jan-Jaap van Horssen)
  4. Jan-Jaap van Horssen (2012). Schwarzman vs. MAXIMUS: A Man-Machine Match in International Draughts. ICGA Journal, Vol. 35, No. 2
  5. Jan-Jaap van Horssen (2019). Move selection in MTD(f). ICGA Journal, Vol. 41, No. 1
  6. Photo 13 by Jan Krabbenbos, Events 2016: Day 7 | ICGA
  7. Draughts Research
  8. MTD(f) Experiments

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