IChen Wu

Home * People * I-Chen Wu

I-Chen Wu [1] I-Chen Wu,

a Taiwanese computer scientist and professor at Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, and head of its Computer Games and Intelligence (CGI) laboratory. He holds a B.S. in Electronic Engineering (1982) and a M.Sc. in CS (1984) from National Taiwan University, and a Ph.D. in CS from Carnegie Mellon University (1993) [2] . His research interests include computer games, cloud computing, Peer-to-peer for gaming, and mobile gaming [3]. Since Fall 2013, I-Chen Wu is section editor of the ICGA Journal, since 2017, along with Mark Winands and Tristan Cazenave, Editor-in-Chief.

See also

Selected Publications

[8] [9]

1990 …

2005 …

2010 …





2015 …





2020 …

Internet Application Technology Laboratory


  1. I-Chen Wu - Google+
  2. I-Chen Wu (1993). Multilist Scheduling: A New Parallel Programming Model. Ph.D. thesis, Carnegie Mellon University
  3. Research of I-Chen Wu
  4. Connect6 from Wikipedia
  5. I-Chen Wu, Dei-Yen Huang (2005). A New Family of k -in-a-Row Games. Advances in Computer Games 11, pdf
  6. CGI-2048
  7. Introduction to Go Programs Developed at CGI Lab
  8. Publications of I-Chen Wu
  9. DBLP: I-Chen Wu
  10. Nurikabe from Wikipedia
  11. TAAI Computer Game Tournaments
  12. Mathematics of Sudoku from Wikipedia
  13. Slitherlink from Wikipedia
  14. Best Paper Awards | TAAI 2014
  15. 2048 (video game) from Wikipedia

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