HuibJan Imbens

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Huib-Jan Imbens,

a Dutch physicist, mathematician and computer scientist, software consultant and owner of Syncode [1], a company producing multimedia applications and games for various operating systems [2]. He holds a master’s degree in physics in 1984 and a Ph.D. in mathematics in 1989, both from Utrecht University.

Chess Programming

Huib-Jan Imbens developed the initial MS-DOS version of Swiss Master software to make pairings for chess tournaments [3], and worked with Eric van Riet Paap on the chess program Genesis 2 and its parallel incarnation under the name Petunia running on a 486 PC controlling three Intel i860 processors, both programs participating at the DOCCC 1993 [4]. He is further author of various chess programs for mobile devices, such as Mobile PPC for the Pocket PC [5].

Selected Publications


  1. Huib-Jan Imbens | LinkedIn
  2. Syncode
  3. Swiss Master Credits
  4. Peter van Diepen (1993). Report on the 13th Dutch Computer-Chess Championship. ICCA Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4
  5. Les Echecs Electroniques | Programmes Windows
  6. Soliton from Wikipedia
  7. Lie group from Wikipedia
  8. Lie algebra from Wikipedia

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