Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom

Home * People * Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom

Hendrik Hoogeboom [1] Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom,

a Dutch mathematician, computer scientist, and researcher and assistant professor at Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, Leiden University. His research interests in theoretical computer science include formal models of natural computation, infinitary languages, logic and automata, tree-walking automata, and patterns in strings [2]. Along with Walter Kosters et al., Hendrik Hoogeboom works on the computational complexity of Tetris [3], and maintains the How to Construct Tetris Configurations site [4].

Selected Publications


1983 …

1990 …

2000 …

2010 …

2020 …


  1. H.J. Hoogeboom - homepage
  2. H.J. Hoogeboom - homepage
  3. Tetris is Hard: An Introduction to P vs NP (pdf) slides based on Erik D. Demaine, Susan Hohenberger, David Liben-Nowell (2002). Tetris is Hard, Even to Approximate. arXiv:cs/0210020
  4. How to Construct Tetris Configurations
  5. dblp: Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom
  6. Monadic second-order logic from Wikipedia
  7. Ciliate from Wikipedia
  8. Matroid from Wikipedia
  9. Schur complement from Wikipedia, Issai Schur

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