Heinz van Kempen

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Heinz van Kempen [1] Heinz van Kempen,

a German Correspondence Chess Grandmaster, and founder of the CEGT rating list [2]. Married with chess player and chess official Susanne van Kempen, nee Hund, oldest of four daughters of Juliane Hund, nee Meyer (1928-1999) and Gerhard Hund and granddaughter of physicist Friedrich Hund (1896 – 1997), Heinz is member of the famous German chess family [3]. Along with Gerhard Hund, who is a German internet and internet chess pioneer [4], Heinz van Kempen further maintains the Teleschach site [5].

Forum Posts


  1. CEGT Testers ( Wayback Machine, February 18, 2008)
  2. CEGT Testers
  3. TeleSchach / 10. Deutsche Schach-Amateurmeisterschaft RAMADA Cup 6³ 2010/11 5. Qualifikation Brühl
  4. TeleSchach / Schach in der CyberCity Köln (German)
  5. TeleSchach - Gerhard Hund - Freiburg im Breisgau - Aktuelles (German)

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