Heinz Herbeck

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Heinz Herbeck [1] Heinz Herbeck,

an Austrian computer scientist, in the 90s affiliated with the Vienna University of Technology. His research interests include algorithms and programming methodology and computer chess. Heinz Herbeck implemented B* applied to a rule based method for endgames like KPKP [2].

Selected Publications


  • Heinz Herbeck (1995). Eine Erklärungskomponente für Endspiele im Computerschach unter Verwendung der Regelmethode. Dissertation, TU Wien
  • Heinz Herbeck (1995). Solving Chess Endgames using the B* Algorithm and the Rule Method. Abstract, CSGP Workshop, Chinese University Hongkong, May 1995.
  • Heinz Herbeck, Wilhelm Barth (1996). An Explanation Tool for Chess Endgames Based on the Rule Method. ICCA Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2

Forum Posts


  1. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Heinz Herbeck ( Wayback Machine)
  2. Computer Chess site (Barth, Herbeck) ( Wayback Machine)
  3. ICGA Reference Database

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