Heiner Matthias

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Fide Meister Heiner Matthias [1] Heiner Matthias,

a German chess player and Fide Master. While affiliated with the Paderborn University, Heiner was the opening book author and chess consultant of the “university” chess programs Zugzwang and P.ConNerS [2]. Heiner Matthias further played the Aegon 1997 for the carbon side, losing from CilkChess and Kallisto, winning versus Rajah, Capture and Ferret, and drawing HIARCS.


Heiner Matthias versus Ferret by Bruce Moreland, Aegon 1997 [3]

Living Zweihirn IPCCC 2000: Heiner Matthias and Vincent Diepeveen, in front Rudolf Huber [4]

Heiner Matthias explaining the drawing strategy in Ikarus vs. Comet, IPCCC 2000

Stefan Knappe, Heiner, Gerd Isenberg, Ulrich Türke, Muntsin Kolss and Dan Wulff [5]

Selected Publications


  1. Image from a former site of LSV/Turm Lippstadt
  2. Heiner Matthias’ ICGA Tournaments
  3. Aegon 1996-97, Photos by Thorsten Czub
  4. Living Zweihirn, Photo from the former IPCCC 2000 Homepage
  5. IPCCC 2000 Gallery

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