HansJC3BCrgen Appelrath

Home * People * Hans-Jürgen Appelrath

[ Hans-Jürgen Appelrath [1] Hans-Jürgen Appelrath, (February 07, 1952 – August 05, 2016)

was a German mathematician, computer scientist and professor of applied computer science at University of Oldenburg, and before assistant professor at ETH Zurich. He holds a Ph.D. on expert systems and inference mechanisms of relational databases in 1983 from University of Dortmund. Involved in applied CS for the German Energy transition [2], Appelrath was on the Advisory board of various research institutes, notably OFFIS, and member of the Supervisory board of several companies [3] [4].

Computer Chess

During the mid 70s at University of Dortmund, Hans-Jürgen Appelrath was member of a project team around Hagen Huwig [5] , developing the chess program Proscha, which played the First GI Computer Chess Tournament [6] [7].

Selected Publications


1976 …

1980 …

1990 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Image by Dibo63, October 26, 2007, Hans-Jürgen Appelrath from Wikipedia
  2. German Energy Transition
  3. Hans-Jürgen Appelrath - energytalks.com
  4. Hans-Jürgen Appelrath: Executive Profile & Biography - Businessweek
  5. Hagen Huwig (1975). Bericht über eine Projektgruppe mit dem Thema Schachprogrammierung. Bericht Nr. 9, University of Dortmund (German)
  6. Erstes Computer-Schachturnier der Gesellschaft für Informatik October 17, 1975, Computerwoche 42/1975 (German)
  7. Reinhard Zumkeller (1975). Erstes GI Computer-Schach-Turnier, Dortmund 1975, Bulletin, including a paper by Konrad Zuse
  8. dblp: Hans-Jürgen Appelrath
  9. Eureka (organization) from Wikipedia
  10. EUREKA Project E!56 PROTOS II
  11. Bildgalerien | Alumni der Informatik Dortmund e.V.

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