Hans Secelle

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Hans Secelle [1] Hans Secelle,

a Belgian tax mediator [2], computer chess programmer, opening book author, journalist ( Computerschaak) [3], chess and shogi player, first ever European Shogi champion (1985, with a 7-0 score) and former FESA (Federation of European Shogi Associations) president [4]. Hans was arbiter of the Livingston Chess960 Computer World Championship at the Chess Classic in Mainz, the Chess960CWC 2007 [5], Chess960CWC 2008 and Chess960CWC 2009 [6].


Albrecht Heeffer and Hans as Rastafari, ICT 2001 [7]

Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, Vlastimil Hort and arbiter Hans Secelle, Chess960CWC 2009 [8]


Hans started computer chess programming in the early 90s. With his program Bionic (Believe It Or Not It’s Checkmate) written in Basic, he participated at four Dutch Open Computer Chess Championships, DOCCC 1994, DOCCC 1995, DOCCC 1996 and DOCCC 1997, and three Aegon Tournaments, Aegon 1995, Aegon 1996 and Aegon 1997.

Bionic Impakt

In collaboration with Albrecht Heeffer, Hans Secelle started an approach based on Crafty called Bionic Impakt. As a strong chess player, Hans added a lot of knowledge in the prescan routines and evaluation. There were no attempts to “hide” anything from Hans’ and Albrecht’s side [9], and despite lack of explicit permission of Robert Hyatt [10] Bionic Impakt was allowed to participate at the DOCCC 1998. While it did quite well, other participants complained and raised forum discussions about using open source programs [11] and cloning [12], also because during the two weekends of the tournament, the playing version appeared to have changed [13], claiming some the program played the first weekend was more Crafty like [14], but explicitly later denied by Heeffer [15]. However, as a consequence Hans and Albrecht retired on Bionic Impakt and joined forces with Tom Vijlbrief on his program Ant [16] [17].


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  1. from the Photo Composition of the Participants, DOCCC 1999, Dutch Open Computer Chess Championship 1999 old CSVN site
  2. Hans Secelle - LinkedIn
  3. Computerschaakbladen vanaf oktober 2004
  4. Re: Some thoughts on computer Shogi by Hans Secelle, January 16, 2007
  5. The Human Power of Chess Classic
  6. Ein Mal, zwei Mal, drei Mal, Rybka! (German)
  7. 1st International CSVN-Tournament 2001 by Thomas Mayer
  8. Chess960 rules in Mainz!
  9. Re: Bionic Vs Crafty Debate: some data required by Albrecht Heeffer, CCC, January 25, 1999
  10. Re: POOR BOB HYATT by Robert Hyatt, rgcc, February 21, 1999
  11. Crafty implications … by Chris Whittington, rgcc, March 4, 1999
  12. Bionic vs Crafty, once again by Đorđe Vidanović, CCC, January 23, 1999
  13. Re: Dutch CCC - Arthur on 300MHz G3 2nd weekend by Robert Hyatt, CCC, November 29, 1998
  14. Chess program similarity experiment by Bruce Moreland, CCC, January 24, 1999
  15. Re: Bionic Vs Crafty Debate: some data required by Albrecht Heeffer, CCC, January 25, 1999
  16. Some news about H. Secelle (author of Bionic) by Johan Havegheer, Winboard Forum, September 08, 1999
  17. Re: Whatever happened to crafty clone Bionic by Hans van der Zijden, CCC, February 05, 2003

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