Hank Dietz

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Hank Dietz [1] Henry Gordon (Hank) Dietz,

an American electrical engineer, computer scientist and professor of electrical and computer engineering at University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky. His research interests include high-performance computing and parallel computing along with programming language and optimizing compiler support, computer aided instruction, and computational photography and digital imaging [2]. Along with Randell J. Fisher, Hank Dietz coined the acronym SWAR for SIMD Within A Register, and maintains the SWAR site [3] along with the collection of The Aggregate Magic Algorithms [4]. Hank Dietz is further author of the early Go playing program Jim [5].

Selected Publications


1985 …

1990 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Professor Hank Dietz
  2. SPIE | Henry Gordon Dietz
  3. The Aggregate: SWAR, SIMD Within A Register
  4. The Aggregate Magic Algorithms
  5. Details of Program: Jim from computer-go.info
  6. dblp: Henry G. Dietz
  7. Barrier (computer science) from Wikipedia
  8. The Aggregate: Aggregate Function Networks
  9. Anaglyph 3D from Wikipedia

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