Gunnar FarnebC3A4ck

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Gunnar Farnebäck [1] Gunnar Farnebäck,

a Swedish mathematician, computer scientist and biomedical engineer, former research fellow at Laboratory of Mathematics in Imaging (LMI), Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. He received his Ph.D. in computer vision from Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden in 2002 [2]. Gunnar Farnebäck is co-author of the Go playing program GNU Go [3] and its Monte-Carlo Tree Search successor MonteGNU [4]. Along with John Tromp, Gunnar Farnebäck researched on Combinatorics of Go, and the Number of legal Go positions [5], which is sequence A094777 [6] in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, and wrote the legal counting program in Pike [7].

Selected Publications


1996 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Gunnar Farnebäck at LMI
  2. Gunnar Farnebäck (2002). Polynomial Expansion for Orientation and Motion Estimation. Ph.D. thesis, Linköping University, pdf
  3. GNU Go - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
  4. Details of Program: MonteGNU from
  5. Counting Legal Positions in Go by John Tromp
  6. A094777 in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
  7. legal.pike - Count the number of legal go boards
  8. dblp: Gunnar Farnebäck

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