
Home * Engines * GoBit


a didactic open source chess engine by CaroKanns, written in the Go programming language, and introduced in a series of 31 YouTube videos in 2018 [1]. GoBit features state of the art search techniques and is based on bitboards.


Video Tutorials

  1. Chess engine design
  2. Building blocks
  3. The UCI protocol » UCI
  4. More uci-commands
  5. the position command
  6. board representation » Board Representation
  7. the Board » Chessboard
  8. rename BinGo to GoBit
  9. Homework with position » Chess Position
  10. Parse the moves part in fen » Moves
  11. Make move on board
  12. handle the UCI go-command
  13. generate rook moves (simple)
  14. Magic BitBoards explained » Magic Bitboards
  15. generate moves w magic bitBoards » Move Generation
  16. Generate moves for K and Kn » King Pattern, Knight Pattern
  17. generate pawn moves » Pawn Pattern and Properties
  18. Three rules about check » Check
  19. Look Who’s Playing!
  20. The search and AlphaBeta » Alpha-Beta
  21. The search and AlphaBeta cont.
  22. Killers, iterative deepening, simple movegen » Killer Heuristic, Iterative Deepening, Move Generation
  23. some tests
  24. see and qs » Static Exchange Evaluation, Quiescence Search
  25. Transposition table » Transposition Table
  26. Transp table in use
  27. node types & some tests » Node Types
  28. Movegen, history tab, tests » Move Generation
  29. Null move & tests » Null Move Pruning
  30. Perft and more » Perft
  31. Late Move Reduction » Late Move Reductions


  1. A Chess Engine in Go YouTube Videos

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