Genesis IL

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[ The first chapter of Genesis [1] Genesis,

a Chess Engine Communication Protocol compatible chess program by Eli David, written in C++, first released in April 2002, initially available from Leo Dijksman’s WBEC Ridderkerk site. Genesis is based on a NegaScout/ PVS framework using history heuristic and transposition table. Like its successor Falcon, Genesis was designed especially for academic research [2], notably on verified null-move pruning [3].


See also


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Chess Engine


List of creation myths from Wikipedia

Nuremberg Chronicle from Wikipedia

Bereishit (parsha) Noach (parsha)


  1. The first chapter of Genesis written on an egg, The Israel Museum, Bereishit (parsha) from Wikipedia, שיחת משתמש:Daniel Ventura/ תשס"ט ג’
  2. Genesis 1.05 for academic research by Omid David, CCC, June 06, 2002
  3. Omid David, Nathan S. Netanyahu (2002). Verified null-move pruning. ICGA Journal, Vol. 25 No. 3

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