Gambit Fruit

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[ Minoan Ceramic for the Sacrifice of Fruit [1] [2] Gambit Fruit,

a GPL licensed, Fruit and Toga derivative open source engine written by Ryan Benitez in C++. It has some interesting changes primarily based on the last open-source-version Fruit 2.1, the goal being a fun free and aggressive chess engine [3]. Short after its release in end of 2005, Ryan joined forces with Fabien Letouzey and Joachim Rang for a commercial Fruit, and incorporated Gambit Fruit features into Fruit 2.2 and subsequent versions.

Added Features

and changes in Gambit Fruit:


Thank you to Fabian for Fruit 2.1, Thomas for Toga, and to Bryan Hofmann for the Windows compile [6].

See also

Forum Posts


  1. Minoan Ceramic from Phaistos, Heraklion Archaeological Museum
  2. Fruchtbarkeitsschale für die Opferung von Früchten aus Phaistos zu sehen im Archäologischen Museum in Herakleion, Minoische Religion from (German)
  3. Re: Gambit Fruit ? by Ryan B., CCC, November 15, 2005
  4. Has anyone tested Gambit Fruit with Rebel Reductions on? by Ryan B., CCC, November 15, 2005
  5. Programmer Corner - How Rebel Plays Chess - Reductions by Ed Schröder, pdf reprint
  6. Gambit fruit, - readme.txt

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