
Home * Engines * Galahad

[.jpg) Sir Galahad [1] Galahad,

a Chess Engine Communication Protocol compatible private chess engine by James Swafford, written in C++ [2]. Galahad is a traditional bitmap based program performing an alpha-beta search with opening book and endgame tablebase access. It is the successor to the weaker freeware program Tristram [3], and played the CCT1.

Galahad 1.0

An open source Windows version Galahad 1.0 with an own GUI didn’t include the Chess Engine Communication Protocol compatible console engine. Its evaluation is a bitmap translation of Tom Kerrigan’s TSCP 1.3 [4] .

See also

Forum Posts


  1. Sir Galahad by George Frederic Watts, Galahad from Wikipedia
  2. Re: Programming language by Dann Corbit, Winboard Forum, September 04, 2001
  3. Galahad by James Swafford, CCC, June 29, 1999
  4. galahad 1.0 available (with source) by James Swafford, CCC, August 30, 2000

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