Frederic Roy Carlson

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Frederic Roy Carlson,

an American entrepreneur, electrical engineer and educational psychologist with a Ph.D. from University of Southern California in 1970, where he continued his academical career until 1989 as a professor of electrical engineering, computer science, education, and communications [1].

Computer Chess

While affiliated with the University of Southern California in the 70s, Carlson researched on computer chess, and was along with Albert Zobrist and Charles Kalme co-author of the chess programs USC CP [2] and Tyro, participating at five ACM North American Computer Chess Championships, ACM 1972 and ACM 1973 with USC CP and ACM 1974, ACM 1975 and ACM 1977 with Tyro [3].

Selected Publications



  1. Frederic Roy Carlson - LinkedIn
  2. Albert Zobrist, Frederic Roy Carlson (1973). The USC chess program. Proceedings of the ACM annual conference, Atlanta, Georgia
  3. A Memorial to BRUTE FORCE by Louis Kessler
  4. ICGA Reference Database

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