FrC3A9dC3A9ric Prost

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Frédéric Prost [1] Frédéric Prost,

a French mathematician, chess player, computer scientist and associate professor at Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble and Joseph Fourier University Grenoble. His research interests include quantum programming, IT security, non-interference analyses, anonymity, and in artificial intelligence, his chess variant proposal Twilight Chess and engines playing it [2], and the game-theoretic value of chess variants [3].

Gardner’s Minichess Solved

Along with Mehdi Mhalla, Frédéric Prost weakly solved Gardner’s 5x5 Minichess as published in 2013. They modified Stockfish in order to make it play Gardner Chess [4]. Abstract [5] [6]:

A 5×5 board is the smallest board on which one can set up all types of chess pieces as a start position. We consider Gardners minichess variant in which all pieces are set as in a standard chessboard (from Rook to King). This game has roughly 9×10^18 legal positions and is comparable in this respect with [checkers](Checkers "Checkers"). We weakly solve this game: we prove its game-theoretic value and give a strategy to draw against best play for White and Black sides. Our approach requires surprisingly little computing power. We give a human readable proof. The way the result is obtained is generic and could be generalized to bigger chess settings or to other games. 

Selected Publications

[7] [8]

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Frederic Prost homepage - Page personnelle de Frederic Prost
  2. Twilight Chess
  3. Mini Chess Resolution
  4. Gardner Chess Engine based on Stockfish
  5. Mehdi Mhalla, Frédéric Prost (2013). Gardner’s Minichess Variant is Solved. ICGA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 4
  6. Gardner’s minichess solved by BB+, OpenChess Forum, August 29, 2013
  7. Frédéric Prost - Bibliographie personnelle
  8. dblp: Frédéric Prost

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