FranzGC3BCnter Winkler

Home * People * Franz-Günter Winkler

Franz-Günter Winkler [1] Franz-Günter Winkler,

an Austrian physicist, computer scientist and AI researcher with interests in cognitive science [2], interpretation of Relativity theory [3], spacetime holism [4], and philosophy of time [5] and mind [6]. He defended his Ph.D. thesis on spacetime holism at Vienna University of Technology in 2004 [7].

Selected Publications

[8] [9]

1997 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Franz-Günter Winkler - homepage
  2. Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence
  3. The Euclidean Interpretation of Relativity Theory
  4. Spacetime Holism
  5. Philosophy of Time
  6. Philosophy of Mind
  7. Franz-Günter Winkler (2004). Spacetime Holism - A Fundamental Approach to the Representation Problem in Cognitive Science. Ph.D. thesis, Vienna University of Technology, pdf
  8. Franz-Günter Winkler - Publications
  9. dblp: Franz-Günter Winkler

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