Frans van Gool

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Frans van Gool [1] Frans van Gool, [2]

a Dutch mathematician, computer scientist and business analyst. He holds a Ph.D. from Utrecht University in 1992 on non-linear potential theory under Emile Bertin [3], and researched on optimization and parallelization of algorithms as postdoc affiliated with the Delft University of Technology during the mid 90s. Already at Utrecht University, he was involved in computer chess programming as author of the chess program Larmee, and along with Erik Leenders, as co-author of the chess program Ares. Frans van Gool is further interested in the game of Mastermind and published a Java applet [4] and algorithm [5] of that game.

Selected Publications


1990 …

2000 …


  1. Frans van Gool | LinkedIn
  2. not to confused with the Dutch architect Frans van Gool
  3. Fransiscus van Gool - The Mathematics Genealogy Project
  4. Frans van Gool’s MasterMind applet
  5. Frans van Gool’s MasterMind algorithm
  6. Czech Digital Mathematics Library - Author: van Gool, Frans
  7. Lattice from Wikipedia

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