FranC3A7ois Karr

Home * People * François Karr

François Karr [1] François Karr,

a French professional software developer, lead programmer and technical director at Dontnod Entertainment. He was R&D manager at Ubisoft, specialized in racing game developments, co-founded Babylon Software [2] in 1999, and was affiliated with Darkworks. He created a physical module based on a very realistic collision engine such as Ipion [3] [4]. Along with chess advisor Jean-Philippe Karr, François is author of the chess programs BugChess and BugChess2.

Forum Posts

2007 …

2010 …


  1. François Karr | LinkedIn
  2. Babylon Software from MobyGames
  3. François Karr from MobyGames
  4. RPM Tuning from Wikipedia

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