Fortress Engine

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[ Buhen fortress [1] Fortress,

a Chess Engine Communication Protocol compliant chess engine by Alessandro Damiani, written in C, first released in October 1998. Fortress pioneered in Rotated Indices, a deconcentrated version of rotated bitboards. Alessandro once mentioned improving a version of Schrüfer’s “most selective” quiescence search [2], found in Schrüfer’s Ph.D. thesis Minimax-Suchen [3].

Technical Details


Board Representation


See also

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Chess Engine




  1. Artists impression of the battlements at Buhen fortress in Ancient Egypt about 1800 BC, Source: Franck Monnier (2010). Les forteresses égyptiennes. Du Prédynastique au Nouvel Empire, collection Connaissance de l’Égypte ancienne. Safran (éditions), Bruxelles, 978-2-87457-033-9, Defensive wall from Wikipedia
  2. futility cut-offs by Alessandro Damiani, rgcc, November 14, 1997
  3. Günther Schrüfer (1988). Minimax-Suchen : Kosten, Qualität und Algorithmen. TU Braunschweig (German)
  4. based on Fortress / readme.doc, Engine Download List from Ron Murawski’s Computer-Chess Wiki

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