Folkert van Heusden

Home * People * Folkert van Heusden

Folkert van Heusden [1] Folkert van Heusden,

a Dutch software developer [2]. As open source and game programmer, Folkert is author of the experimental chess programs Pos [3] and DeepBrutePos [4], both written in Java. A incarnation of DeepBrutePos, running on a system with an UDOO computer and seven Raspberry Pi calculating nodes is dubbed PuppetMaster [5] . Former chess programs were Embla (in 2016 incorporated inside a self made chess computer board based on a Raspberry Pi 3 [6]), CPP1 [7] , Bullucks [8] and QueenBee. His latest chess engine, first released in June 2019, is the UCI compliant Micah [9]. He started writing chess programs on May 21, 1996 (aprox 14:30). He further wrote the Go playing program Stop [10]. Other new chess programs: Feeks, CaffeinatedPawn, Dolly and Dog.

Forum Posts

2012 …

2015 …





  1. Folkert van Heusden operating PuppetMaster at PT 46, photos by Jan Krabbenbos, PT46: Round 2
  2. Folkert van Heusden - LinkedIn
  3. POS - An experimental chess program
  4. DeepBrutePOS - An experimental chess program
  5. Re: CSVN 1st Open Internet Tournament: Results and games by Folkert van Heusden, CCC, May 12, 2014
  6. chess computer board by Folkert van Heusden, CCC, April 27, 2016
  7. CPP1
  8. Bullucks
  9. Micah by Folkert van Heusden
  10. - STOP

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